The Triple Threat Workout: Bench, Squats, and Deadlifts -part3-

empty weight
Dead Man Walking , the world famous Russian strength coach Pavel Tsatsouline wrote in his book , if I had to choose one exercise to do , it would be the squat, deadlift, but the bar . The deadlift recruits not only the legs, but the arms , abs and lower back as well . It has been reported that a significant increase in testosterone occurs after the college age men blind , however, the maximum and submaximal efforts in the bench press , there have been increases lower testosterone3 can still perform isolation exercises such as bicep curls concentration just after these exercises more exercise. For example, if an athlete performs squats before bicep curls , biceps may be exposed to high levels of circulating testosterone . The deadlift is about the most difficult task that you can perform as many recruits different muscle groups. The deadlift is a compound movement that works grip strength and core muscles used in the deadlift are spinal , gluteus maximus , adductor magnus , hamstrings , quadriceps and soleus . The remaining muscles are involved in the control of stability. It is , in a sense , the test of a single event pure force, as it is one of the few lifts of dead weight ( weight of soil). In most other lifts there is an eccentric phase ( lowering the weight ), followed by the concentric ( lifting the weight ) phase is only raised the concentric movement.
Sumo or conventional : there are two different styles: conventional takeoff and lift sumo deadlift . Sumo style is used with a broader attitude in which the lifter takes the bar with your arms resting on the inside of the legs. Deadlifting classic style involves placing feet shoulder width apart and take the bar outside legs19 . Deadweight conventional style tend to put more emphasis on the lower back , while the sumo deadlift with a straight alignment and increased recruitment to the right rear hip muscles to perform lift20 . The high lift is probably the safest of the two styles because it is safer biomechanics. Another advantage is that the bar should try a shorter distance between the thigh and lower leg of the race of the stem. One study found that the sumo deadlifting bar can reduce travel by nineteen percent compared to conventional deadlifts19 . An important tip to always remember the dead weight is to keep the bar as close to your body as possible ( bar should be as close to the chin) , which will increase force production due to increased mechanical advantage21 .
Died Variations:

Deadweight on blocks - Deadlifts standing on a block, several rubber mats or plates are used to increase the range of motion must go through to complete the lift. Generally, the height ranges between one and four inches. One advantage to lift the blocks is that if the point of friction comes from the plant , block windfall increase its strength to fall back on earth.

Deadlifts advertising - in fact, are doing a squat deadlift framework based on the squat cage and down and make a partial takeoff. The reason is that for many lifters knows no high friction load of dead weight pulling on the rod and this high position , to increase its strength in the sticking point .

With raised bands and chains - You can also experiment with the use of belts and chains to increase traction and speed off .
You must be are incorporating a variation of each of these movements in every workout . Adding straps and wear chains and keep drives adds variation. The main benefit comes from doing these exercises is , are large masses and force manufacturers . All these exercises are compound movements that work more than your body. The incorporation of these movements in your routine will be worth it.

The Triple Threat Workout: Bench, Squats, and Deadlifts -part2-

squats :
Squats are often called the "king of exercises " because of large quantities of it activates muscle groups. Michael Jocson , PT , MS , OCS , CSCS , owner of Jocson Strength & Conditioning , Howard Beach , NY who commented , " The squat is perhaps the most effective exercise for the full development of body - weight training. The legs can move the body, but it takes a strong and stable core upper body to provide a basis in which the legs can produce force . This is especially true when you start adding weight to your squats. whether it is a squat, front squat , split squat or overhead squat , many muscles of your whole body work together to lower and raise your center of gravity. "Most people choose leg press or leg extensions are probably easier to achieve burst peak , but if you 're not squatting , you may be missing on some serious gains in strength and size.
Squats Total increase body strength
Research supports that acute increases in anabolic hormones (GH and testosterone ) can improve strength gains . Protocols using sets moderate to strong resistance, but multiple of 10-12 repetition maximum , and shorter rest periods (1-2 minutes rest between sets and exercises ) have been shown to produce high levels of both hormones During heavier than anabolic resistance ( -5 1 RM) , the longer periods of rest ( ± 3 min) , and fewer sets ( 1-3). In addition, it was demonstrated that the increase of the anabolic hormone response is proportional to the size of the exercised muscle (ie Squats will always answers anabolic hormone acute upper leg extensions ) 13.14 . Researchers from Denmark asked if the response of the acute anabolic hormone had an effect on increasing muscle strength. They had young evils make a rather unusual workout routine.

A group only perform bicep curls . They performed four sets of biceps curls sitting at 60 % of 1 RM were followed by four sets of biceps standing at 60% of 1 -RM . A total of 8 to 12 repetitions were performed in each game with a minute and a half of rest between sets.
The other group formed two arms and legs. They made the exact same protocol, but they understood arm leg at the end of their routine. Four sets of seated leg press to 10 Maximum repetition followed were at the end of the routine.

The subjects performed the routine for nine weeks and had strength tests performed in isometric arm at the end of the study. Hormone levels rest remained unchanged in both groups at the end of nine weeks. Plasma testosterone and plasma cortisol increased significantly in the arms and legs training group, but not in the group that has shaped arms . Plasma GH increased in all stress tests , but I increased significantly in plasma GH legs and arms group . The main conclusion of the study is that there is a greater relative increase in isometric force when anabolic hormonal responses (GH and testosterone) are enhanced by the formation of an additional major muscle group in strength training the arms15 . This indicates a link between the magnitude of hormonal responses and improved strength , hormone levels that occur during this can be activated physiologically .
Be a Man: Ditch the Smith Machine
Free weight squats are generally more preferred by bodybuilders and strength athletes trained machines are considered because they provide a more volatile year , requiring greater recruitment of the trunk muscles . Go to any college or hardcore gym and you'll find plenty of squat racks and very few machines Smith. Machines, however I , are easier to use by beginners and require spotters often less than the exercise of free weights. You may think you are getting a good workout for the legs on a smith machine, but scientists will disagree with you. Canadian researchers sensors hooked around the legs of men and had them perform barbell squats or Smith machine squats . They found a muscle activation 43% higher during the free weight squat compared to the Smith Machine squat. The activation of the extensor muscles and hamstrings knee were higher during free weight squat , while the activation of the trunk stabilizers was similar between the two periods. This indicates that the free weight squat may be greater than the Smith Machine squat for training the major muscle groups of the legs and can result in the development of superior strength and hypertrophy of these muscle groups with training16 long term.
Plastic Man to become better Squats !
I refer to the use of plastic strips during squat for better resistance. Another linear variable resistance because , as provided by the elastic resistance is beneficial is due to what is called the curve of muscle strength . The linear variable resistance provided by elastic tubing better mimics the strength curves of most muscles. A force curve refers to the way a muscle or resistance changes of the muscle group on range of motion. Because of their anatomy , most rise over the entire range of movement to some extent a muscle . Always with squats as an example, as squat from a seated position , the muscle becomes stronger until about halfway range of motion . Malthus , is the muscle of the lowest in the beginning of the year and the highest at the point midway of the leg exercise . When you do a squat with free weights, the single is limited to how much I can use the resistance by force squats are at the beginning of the year ( the low point). That means you during squats, the muscle does not get enough resistance when the muscle is at its strongest point in the range of motion. When you perform a squat with elastic tubes , but we , the resistance increases as the range of motion increases. This means that the muscle receives greater resistance to its highest point in the range of motion and strength Receiving is more appropriate to better stimulate strength adaptations . A study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research that when training athletes used elastic band in addition to the free training - weight they had a lot more power for the legs when they are used only free - training17 weight. Also a recent study reported in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research has indicated that the tear strip to increase strength ! The athletes were randomly assigned to one of three training groups : strong resistance / slow motion , light resistance and fast movements or fast movements Housed which consisted of incorporating resistance bands. Three weeks of habituation (12 training sessions) were included before the test, during which the performance of the technique has been trained and taught basic fitness . The results of this study show a definite advantage to training with speeds faster travel with the inclusion of bands for the development of lower body power among collegiate athletes . These results support the idea that squats can be improved through the use of variable training with elastic resistance bands . It appears, on the basis that these two athletes training with bands Increased strength and power18 .

The Triple Threat Workout: Bench, Squats, and Deadlifts - part1-

Pussification (noun) : the state in which a society becomes less difficult. Author of this name is the famous comedian George Carlin . Carlin was in concert and talked about " Pussification society " where men become soft and basically put in bluntly, men have become thought " fagots " Carlin laughs when I was younger , which swam in the Hudson River filled by sewage and not once he or any of his friends get sick because they were damn hard ! As Carlin 's comedy , there is a growing trend in gyms that is downright scary , some gyms have initiated a policy of "no grunting " at the gym , which prohibits grunting while lifting heavy weights. This could be a new slogan, "The Pussification gyms ! " What kind of society is this where you can not go to a gym and a grunt ? Besides men are not able to growl , a growing trend that could also be placed in " The Pussification gyms ! " Is " an exercise machine ! " Weightlifting was based on the weight ! Men look strong principles , built huge kettle bells and a mechanical base as the bench press, squat and deadlift. This is a training program entitled interesting training dinosaurs in which the author recommends that the foundation to increase strength and muscle mass . squats , deadlifts and bench press should almost be like Indiana Jones and go find a lost city to find exercises that include these three unconditional raised so far. to be honest, most gyms today do not even have a launch pad that is built for heavy takeoffs . 's all bench press machine , Hammer Strength , Nautilus, and the pulley, but we forget the essential raw power is recovered . If you go to any college or professional fitness room , racks see tons of free weight squat and bench press, there are machines , but most lifts free weights. Why It 's because football players want to be big and strong and be able to feel like a Mac truck in the field .... If you are looking for a cookie cutter easy session, then you can go to another article because it takes guts and hard work to complete the Triple Threat Triple Threat training training is based in three movements . bench press , squat and deadlift then why . so many people like the machines that then .. well ... that simple .. machines are easier ! But if you want to increase your testosterone levels, nothing is going to make more of these three exercises!Increases testosterone with large muscle mass exercises ( bench, squat and deadlift ) .Testosterone levels are also influenced by the amount of muscle mass activated in response to exercise. Olympic lifts , squats and deadlifts jump all produce large increases testosterone1 , 2 . As far as the bank is seen as a movement of energy to get your testosterone levels skyrocket ... start a squat bar. While most people prefer to make a jump bench press in a squat bar , the bench will not increase testosterone production as a squat. The squat is really the "king of all exercises " For example , researchers have studied the effects of 5 sets of 10 repetitions bench press through 5 sets of 10 jump squats , with 2 minutes rest between sets of 12 resistance trained men . Testosterone increases higher after the jump squat (15%) , bench press ( 7%). This suggests that the exercises that recruit the largest amount of muscle tissue cause the largest increases testosterone2 . It also reinforces the order of the previous year. In general , exercises that recruit large muscle groups ( squats , deadlifts , bench press ) should be performed before isolation exercises ( leg extensions , lat pull down, pec flyes ) .As for testosterone , the largest exercise can elevate testosterone levels and exert their effects in isolation exercises fine print. It has been suggested that the large muscle mass exercises will take place before the exercise of low muscle mass . Conducting large muscle mass exercises ( ie squat, deadlift, bench press ) at the beginning of training elevations produce testosterone , which can potentially expose smaller muscles to a higher level of response the results of the implementation of small muscle exercises only. For example, a study measuring changes in muscle strength in the biceps force after 9 weeks of resistance training. However, one group performed a workout that consists of only bicep curls and a second group performed squats before bicep curls . Perform bicep exercises not only greatly increase testosterone significantly . However , testosterone was significantly higher when squats were performed first , and muscle strength increased even more when they performed exercises both upper and lower body . These data provide support for the implementation of large mass , muscle multi-joint exercises in a workout fast muscle mass and less exercise later in the workout in training to increase muscle strength .Energy dynamic groups , often used to generate maximum explosive power also produced significant responses to androgens. Energy dynamic consolidation , often used to generate maximum explosive power and functional performance , there was also significant responses to androgens. For example, the total (18 %) and without TST (30 %) increased in response to the squat lifts performed with a 50 % 1RM4 . If you are looking to put on size and strength they spent leg squat extension . Testosterone levels were not increased before and after exercise for young men and old to exercise body type of insulation resistance of upper and lower ( leg extension ) in a Nautilus machine consisting of 3 sets of 10 repetitions5 . Contrary to these results, a significant increase in testosterone responses of older and younger men in response to a muscle squat high intensity ( muscle mass) Protocol 6 .Now that you understand that getting stronger and stronger is linked to the activation of more muscle fibers during training, and nothing is going to get those muscle fibers screaming like bench press, squat and deadlift. I will also include the latest research on how to get the most out of these exercises too.

Get Psyched : Many times I see guys about to start a bank and it seems they are getting ready to sleep! Other talking on cell phones or read the newspaper .. WTF? You need to get under the bar realize I have about 315 pounds to crush me if I did not mind that weight up! Weightlifters will find and hitting the face or even smell smelling salts (for example, is often used when a boxer is removed). Getting mentally before an elevator is clinically validated to increase bench press crude supply. In a study resistance trained men and specifically told the men to " mentally prepared " , while another group discussion was distracted . After psyching -up , the participants produced a greater resistance to the bench press when they . participated in conditions of distraction or a placebo in this study , they found that Psyching - even led to an increase of 11.8 % compared bench provided distraction and an increase of 8.1 % compared to placebo disease7 . based on the results of seven trials , Tod , Iredale and prospects Gill -up psychologically estimated a 12% increase in strength compared to conditions8 witness. If you want a large bank, get excited and if you want to be a good training partner , your partner will motivate and push !

Pushing beyond the failure area : Several times in the gym , people like to stop your bench press just when the pain starts . Researchers Men train in the bench press and divided into two groups: those who have been trained to absolute muscular failure that caused the failure or less for six weeks. The main findings of the study were that the training group experienced failure profits significantly higher raw bench press power than the group that did not train to failure. The results clarify the role of training leading to repetition failure training8 force.

Clip on Bench Press : It is well known that the eccentric overload can cause an increase in strength. A revolutionary lifting accessory called detachment lifting hook allows a person to spend some weight on a bench press and when the camera hits the ground is free from the burden to clarify that the elevator can explode. For example , 225 is loaded into the bank and hooks (Power Recruiting Inc. Hautzdale , PA) , you can add an additional charge of £ 25 on the device. As you lower the weight, which is a decrease of 245 , and the device falls to the ground and emissions , raise to 225 . So, how much you can expect to increase your bench with hooks these energies ? One study showed that the use of hooks , all subjects who completed the study have increased by 5-15 1RMs pounds10 .

No Better Bench Press : a new trend to increase bench press strength chains hanging from the bar. The science behind the hanging chains on the bench press is to learn to operate from the position of the chest. Improved resistance to the resistance of the chain - were responsible speculated to occur from an improvement in the rate of force development due to the rise of lighter loads near the bottom of the bench press , which resulting in an increase acceleration11 bar. In one study, a group of men was assigned to the bench press resisted the chain, while the other group was assigned to standard weight bench . At the end of the study, both groups showed similar increases in test plate - loaded, but the resistance group of channels has increased by 24 pounds over the improvement shown by the group of plate charge . In addition , the chains placed less stress on the judicial system of the shoulders, so if you have back problems , using chains may be the way to go .

Bodybuilding Foods

When you think of weight training, your first thought is probably , exercise and weightlifting. Although it is an important element of building muscle is not the only reason. The food you put into your body is also important to give your body the fuel it needs to grow and develop . In addition, adequate nutrition , the body and mind will be able to last longer and give you more energy .
The right foods for bodybuilding are foods that are rich in protein and carbohydrates and low in fat. Here are some examples of foods that are great for helping you achieve your fitness goals.
The egg whites are perfect for breakfast . Only the egg, the yolk is because although the part of the egg contains fat.
Oatmeal is great for a source of carbohydrates, because it is complex carbs will boost your energy for the day . It is low in fat and high in fiber. The energy obtained from oats will take some time , helping to end the day.
Tuna is one of the best sources of protein that bodybuilders may have. It is rich in protein, which requires little or no effort to fix depending on how you like to eat and is very affordable. You can get tuna for less than 75 cents per pack in most places.
The chicken is very popular among bodybuilders . Provides protein , and tastes good .
Almonds are a good source of vitamin E , magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, fiber and a good source of monounsaturated fats are healthy . Having a large amount of calcium as well .
Beets contain nitrates , which increases vasodilation ( dilation of blood vessels) and improves performance. In the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is told to eat two medium beets 75 minutes before exercise will improve your performance , reduce the amount of oxygen and reduce the level of perceived exertion ( physical effort and mental) necessary for the exercise .
Milk chocolate (when you are out of your protein powder ) . Added sugars carbohydrates increase to more calories muscle building ad recovery boost carbohydrates. Studies show comparing a sports drink containing carbohydrates and electrolytes, milk chocolate rank higher glycogen re-synthesis of muscle , muscles break down and start the growth of muscles in action.
Raspberries improve digestive health of your body is able to extract all the nutrients . They are the bay has the highest amount of fiber in them with 8 grams per cup.

Choosing the Best Bodybuilding Supplements

It happens all the time ... when you walk into a supplement store or go online, you are assaulted with a large and wide variety of bodybuilding supplements that are more than you know what to do with it. Try to read carefully the best brands in the catalog can be quite impressive , let alone having to go to the store to choose what they consider best for your bodybuilding efforts , especially if it is your first time to buy supplements .
Then there are those who work inevitably , there are still some problems with diminishing returns it is necessary to understand and learn how to choose the best bodybuilding supplements if you reach your fitness goals faster. Not only must you find supplements that really work, we must also note that the costs and benefits for your hard earned money and precious time is wasted not right .
First, the term "pre - training " refers to all pre , intra and post-training periods . In bodybuilding , the importance of the best times to take your supplements are always insisted not to miss the anabolic window of opportunity in which the absorption of nutrients and metabolic responses intensified to maximum training ensures the best results.
However, experts will tell you that anabolic window is to take your supplements accurate, but more about how you can develop and metabolic responses to last adhering to a program and do it faithfully . In short, what makes you do your pre , intra and post- training for sure is the best way to ensure that you get the best body you want , no matter when you take your supplements. Change your routine from time to time not only reduce the effects , but also delays achieving your fitness goals. As with any sport , consistency is the key and is the same for bodybuilding.
Therefore, to ensure that always take the anabolic window of opportunity, you need to consider supplements to use for peri - training and follow the instructions carefully as to when to take them, you should consider using the possible side effects and how they work in your body.
The first and most important thing to consider supplement creatine monohydrate . This is known to increase intracellular levels of water in the muscles , which in turn promotes protein synthesis. Also increases the production of ATP to increase the strength and the start and also acts as a neuroprotective agent in brain cells depend largely on the ATP for membrane integrity . Possible side effects of creatine monohydrate included swelling and dehydration. While we believe it is best to take before you start your workout at any time of the day is acceptable if it is done regularly and without fail.
Another recommended supplement would Amino BCAA or branched chain amino acids . L - leucine , which is one of the amino acids including BCAA , is known to be the key player because it increases muscle protein synthesis and helps muscles recover faster and protects against damage during training. Possible side effects include fatigue and loss of motor coordination and creatine monohydrate , which can also be taken at any time as long as it is done regularly.
Caffeine is another example of a key ingredient to look for in supplements . Not only helps you stay alert and focused during the training, but also improve the metabolism of carbohydrates , supports fat loss by increasing the oxidation of fatty acids, oxygen consumption increases and decreases of muscle interstitial potassium . Known side effects include dehydration , headache , nausea , palpitations and increased blood pressure levels . It is usually best to take at least 30 minutes to an hour before your workout.
Supplements of beta - alanine also increases athletic performance by delaying fatigue and is also known to increase the levels of carnosine . It also increases the ability of muscles to work and promotes vasodilation / pumps. There is only one known side effects and paresthesia, which is also known as beta tingling - alanine. Since its effects are not fully come until the levels of carnosine are fully raised , is better taken peri- workout.
And last but not least, citrulline malate , which increases the production of nitric oxide, which regulates blood flow and vasodilatation . It also improves the utilization of amino acids during exercise and removes endotoxins. A side effect is usually a case of stomach upset and ideally taken at least 15-30 minutes before training for maximum effect , but it can also be taken later .
The most important thing to remember , once you have chosen the best supplements is the cycle so that your body does not grow immune to its benefits. We hope this guide will help you in your choice and best of all , help you achieve your fitness goals .

Bodybuilding and You

I usually write articles, but today I feel a little different. I want to write about motivation or drive you want to call . I 've said it before and I 'm sure I 'll say it again . Bodybuilding for me is not to be the biggest most muscular person in the world. Bodybuilding is to build the body you want . Bodybuilding is to push us beyond what is easy .
One of the biggest things you notice anyone who lives this life is difficult , motivation and determination. The unit is what keeps us coming back for more , whatever evil you are, no matter how long it takes. Motivation is the time that we do every day to achieve our goals , we take time away from our families because we know that ultimately it is best for us and for them. Motivation also not going to have a drink with friends, eating garbage that everyone eats , because we have goals . The determination is the thing that makes us push harder when everyone told us not worth it. The determination is also the thing that burns in our heart , which says that nothing can stop me from my goals.
Bodybuilding is an incredible sport. Yes I said sport, many say it is a sport . It may not be the conventional sports we all know , where two teams go against each other . To be honest, in my opinion, is more difficult than that. I say this because most of us are competing against ourselves. Except arrival , and still want to be even better next time online race. We do not practice a few hours a day and then stop. We must constantly watch what we eat and plan our meals. Our training must be monitored almost daily to see what we need to improve. At the end of the day, you can look at a dashboard and say that I won , you have to look back on the day and say I did everything I could do today and tomorrow best,
I found this trip that I feel better about myself . I 'm not just talking about the way I look , but how I feel . We eat as our body where designed for , making us more productive because they are not sick and weak. We lift weights and do cardio , and yet it makes us more productive because they do not burn as quickly. With this lifestyle has reduced my stress and my mind is much clearer . I can not speak for everyone , but for me , I love the feeling that I can give to my family , friends and work simply because I can choose a lifestyle. A lifestyle that can sometimes be the most frustrating thing in the world , but ultimately it 's worth .
Some call it our addiction and they may be right , but I'm okay with that . Many also say that it is our obsession and I agree with that. Yes, I live , eat and breathe this lifestyle . The way I see my addiction cost me my family gives me a better life with them. My addiction cost me my job makes me better. So if you want to say that I have an addiction , yes I do and I 'm proud of him . If doing what I love makes me a better person in the long run is a bad thing , I think I'll be bad. I will continue to do what I do and let the world envy my motivation, drive and determination . So everybody who feel the same way I do to keep your head high and be proud . It is not easy to devote your life to something you feel so passionate, so take a second and congratulate you on the excellent work !
Health, Fitness, bodybuilding and nutrition