The benefits of push-ups Push up / Push up

push-ups Push up
push-ups Push up

Benefits bush father exercises seem clear on the body quickly. You just need to take a few minutes each day to perform these tasks, their incredible impact on your body very soon. Each week passes you can notice significant changes to the shape of your body, while watching yourself in the mirror. Every week!

Let us recall some of the many benefits on the performance of a good old-fashioned:

1. Chest

2. Hands, forearms, biceps, triceps

3. Shoulders, upper back, lower back

4. Abdominal muscles six

5. Glutes

6. Hamstrings, quads, calf and feet

7. Strengthens the heart muscle ..

But I need to mention so much more:

- You can do it anywhere, anytime

- You do not need any technical equipment

- It does not cost you anything to gym membership or athletic expensive device

- You can make them alone athletes exercise all the muscles of the body

- The performance of regular exercise pressure known give nearly objects bodybuilding players, and looks in very good health, as there are many kinds of exercise pressure ..

You can call payment processes essential to strengthen the practice. It pretty much improve your muscles through strengthening and forming most important muscle groups in your body ..

I think that the push-ups is the most effective exercise to improve total body fitness. They include training on the heart and blood vessels, and weight / body lifting and muscle, which extends all in one operation.

Many people do not realize the benefits of an exercise stress. However, when breaking physics to pay up, you can get a better picture of how to be useful for the entire body. For example, the fingers and hands, biceps, triceps, shoulders, forearms, upper and lower back and even abdominal muscles. In addition, it strengthens the leg muscles, including your hamstrings, quads and calves.
Anyone will tell you that tired and exercise is not easy to do, especially when it is done in large numbers. However, with consistent practice and dedication to improve your form, you can build your endurance levels. This, in turn, makes it possible for you to move to a larger and more demanding forms of exercise. Strength and endurance is also important for other parts of your life, even things that do not require a lot of physical exertion.
Whether you're building muscle or not, and muscle growth is an important part of your health. More muscle means a stronger, healthier and they create a lean body and specific lines all over the body. By increasing the number of clicks to do on a regular basis (and by speeding up and slowing down, too), you will notice an increase in muscle mass. Pressure also condemns the production of human growth hormone, which helps to increase the total muscle growth.
Injury Prevention
Condemns pressure to help you avoid injuries when doing other exercises weight. This is especially the case if you warm up your body with push ups before every action. Because paying fluctuations are of such a total body conditioning, you'll find that you do other forms of weight training (especially on the equipment) comes easier and more natural for you. As a result, you'll be less prone to muscle tension, and cause injury.
Gym membership is expensive and the same thing applies to the fancy fitness equipment (both of which are often neglected). Raise the pressure, on the other hand, is not only inexpensive, this means that you will not spend a lot of money on a piece of equipment that goes unused. You do not need to enter the gym to do a push-up either. This makes it a very attractive form of exercise, especially when considering the impact on the entire body and other benefits that accompany pay consistent routine follow-up

Period after training and what should be rewarding

bodybuilding suplements
bodybuilding suplements

Without a doubt the post-training period are the most important times and embarrassed to take advantage of nutrition in building healthy muscle.
We will determine the post-training period as three hours immediately following intensive training and at this time preparing most of the muscles in the body to absorb nutrients will work literally like a sponge and absorb everything presented to muscles.

To Zllk very important during this time frame nourish the body the appropriate elements of the foods and supplements will significantly increase muscle.

Let's take a quick look at what needs to be done after intensive training period should reduce muscle breakdown and body must be placed again in the case of anabolic (muscle building).

Restore blood sugar levels and glycogen must be fed muscles of the proper nutrients to facilitate recovery and growth.

This can be achieved through and 2 meals  of food at some point after coming out of training.

First meal must be in liquid form completely, because your body is in a state of high tension literally be in a state starving and you need to be renewed this imbalance in the fastest way possible and meal liquid are digested faster than any and another meal and this helps your body to start re- the same building immediately.
And should have a meal after exercise idealism as follows:
1/30 to 40 grams of whey protein.
2/80 to 70 grams of simple sugar (dextrose wonderful source of simple sugar).
3/5 grams of creatine.
4/5 to 10 grams of glutamine (optional).

And should be all these ingredients mixed in water and consumed within 30:0 minutes after the completion of the exercise and also suggest taking a quantity of vitamins high efficiency with this meal.
This simple meal liquid will help accelerate the process of muscle growth and helps in the process of compensation muscle lost during exercise.

The second meal of great importance thing for taking 30 - 60 minutes after the liquid meal.
Should consume your second meal, which should come from foods.
These should be in the meal must be rich in protein and carbohydrate sugar.

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