The Triple Threat Workout: Bench, Squats, and Deadlifts - part1-

Pussification (noun) : the state in which a society becomes less difficult. Author of this name is the famous comedian George Carlin . Carlin
was in concert and talked about " Pussification society " where men
become soft and basically put in bluntly, men have become thought "
fagots " Carlin laughs when I was younger , which swam in the Hudson
River filled by sewage and not once he or any of his friends get sick because they were damn hard ! As
Carlin 's comedy , there is a growing trend in gyms that is downright
scary , some gyms have initiated a policy of "no grunting " at the gym ,
which prohibits grunting while lifting heavy weights. This could be a new slogan, "The Pussification gyms ! "
What kind of society is this where you can not go to a gym and a grunt ?
Besides men are not able to growl , a growing trend that could also be
placed in " The Pussification gyms ! " Is " an exercise machine ! "
Weightlifting was based on the weight ! Men look strong principles ,
built huge kettle bells and a mechanical base as the bench press, squat
and deadlift. This is a training program entitled interesting training
dinosaurs in which the author recommends that the foundation to
increase strength and muscle mass . squats , deadlifts and bench press
should almost be like Indiana Jones and go find a lost city to find
exercises that include these three unconditional raised
so far. to be honest, most gyms today do not even have a launch pad
that is built for heavy takeoffs . 's all bench press machine , Hammer
Strength , Nautilus, and the pulley, but
we forget the essential raw power is recovered . If you go to any
college or professional fitness room , racks see tons of free weight
squat and bench press, there are machines , but most lifts
free weights. Why It 's because football players want to be big and
strong and be able to feel like a Mac truck in the field .... If you are
looking for a cookie cutter easy
session, then you can go to another article because it takes guts and
hard work to complete the Triple Threat Triple Threat training training
is based in three movements . bench press , squat and deadlift then why .
many people like the machines that then .. well ... that simple ..
machines are easier ! But if you want to increase your testosterone
levels, nothing is going to make more of these three exercises!Increases testosterone with large muscle mass exercises ( bench, squat and deadlift ) .
Testosterone levels are also influenced by the amount of muscle mass activated in response to exercise. Olympic lifts , squats and deadlifts jump all produce large increases testosterone1 , 2 . As far as the bank is seen as a movement of energy to get your testosterone levels skyrocket ... start a squat bar. While
most people prefer to make a jump bench press in a squat bar , the
bench will not increase testosterone production as a squat. The
squat is really the "king of all exercises " For example , researchers
have studied the effects of 5 sets of 10 repetitions bench press through
5 sets of 10 jump squats , with 2 minutes rest between sets of 12
resistance trained men . Testosterone increases higher after the jump squat (15%) , bench press ( 7%). This suggests that the exercises that recruit the largest amount of muscle tissue cause the largest increases testosterone2 . It also reinforces the order of the previous year. In
general , exercises that recruit large muscle groups ( squats ,
deadlifts , bench press ) should be performed before isolation exercises
( leg extensions , lat pull down, pec flyes ) .As
for testosterone , the largest exercise can elevate testosterone levels
and exert their effects in isolation exercises fine print. It has been suggested that the large muscle mass exercises will take place before the exercise of low muscle mass . Conducting
large muscle mass exercises ( ie squat, deadlift, bench press ) at the
beginning of training elevations produce testosterone , which can
potentially expose smaller muscles to a higher level of response the results of the implementation of small muscle exercises only. For example, a study measuring changes in muscle strength in the biceps force after 9 weeks of resistance training. However,
one group performed a workout that consists of only bicep curls and a
second group performed squats before bicep curls . Perform bicep exercises not only greatly increase testosterone significantly . However
, testosterone was significantly higher when squats were performed
first , and muscle strength increased even more when they performed
exercises both upper and lower body . These
data provide support for the implementation of large mass , muscle
multi-joint exercises in a workout fast muscle mass and less exercise
later in the workout in training to increase muscle strength .Energy dynamic groups , often used to generate maximum explosive power also produced significant responses to androgens. Energy
dynamic consolidation , often used to generate maximum explosive power
and functional performance , there was also significant responses to
androgens. For example, the total (18 %) and without TST (30 %) increased in response to the squat lifts performed with a 50 % 1RM4 . If you are looking to put on size and strength they spent leg squat extension . Testosterone
levels were not increased before and after exercise for young men and
old to exercise body type of insulation resistance of upper and lower (
leg extension ) in a Nautilus machine consisting of 3 sets of 10 repetitions5 . Contrary
to these results, a significant increase in testosterone responses of
older and younger men in response to a muscle squat high intensity (
muscle mass) Protocol 6 .Now
that you understand that getting stronger and stronger is linked to the
activation of more muscle fibers during training, and nothing is going
to get those muscle fibers screaming like bench press, squat and
deadlift. I will also include the latest research on how to get the most out of these exercises too.
Get Psyched : Many times I see guys about to start a bank and it seems they are getting ready to sleep! Other talking on cell phones or read the newspaper .. WTF? You need to get under the bar realize I have about 315 pounds to crush me if I did not mind that weight up! Weightlifters will find and hitting the face or even smell smelling salts (for example, is often used when a boxer is removed). Getting mentally before an elevator is clinically validated to increase bench press crude supply. In
a study resistance trained men and specifically told the men to "
mentally prepared " , while another group discussion was distracted .
After psyching -up , the participants produced a greater resistance to
the bench press when they .
participated in conditions of distraction or a placebo in this study ,
they found that Psyching - even led to an increase of 11.8 % compared
bench provided distraction and an increase of 8.1 % compared to placebo
disease7 . based
on the results of seven trials , Tod , Iredale and prospects Gill -up
psychologically estimated a 12% increase in strength compared to
conditions8 witness. If you want a large bank, get excited and if you
want to be a good training partner , your partner will motivate and push !
Pushing beyond the failure area : Several times in the gym , people like to stop your bench press just when the pain starts . Researchers
Men train in the bench press and divided into two groups: those who
have been trained to absolute muscular failure that caused the failure
or less for six weeks. The
main findings of the study were that the training group experienced
failure profits significantly higher raw bench press power than the
group that did not train to failure. The results clarify the role of training leading to repetition failure training8 force.
Clip on Bench Press : It is well known that the eccentric overload can cause an increase in strength. A
revolutionary lifting accessory called detachment lifting hook allows a
person to spend some weight on a bench press and when the camera hits
the ground is free from the burden to clarify that the elevator can
explode. For
example , 225 is loaded into the bank and hooks (Power Recruiting Inc.
Hautzdale , PA) , you can add an additional charge of £ 25 on the
device. As you lower the weight, which is a decrease of 245 , and the device falls to the ground and emissions , raise to 225 . So, how much you can expect to increase your bench with hooks these energies ? One study showed that the use of hooks , all subjects who completed the study have increased by 5-15 1RMs pounds10 .
No Better Bench Press : a new trend to increase bench press strength chains hanging from the bar. The science behind the hanging chains on the bench press is to learn to operate from the position of the chest. Improved
resistance to the resistance of the chain - were responsible speculated
to occur from an improvement in the rate of force development due to
the rise of lighter loads near the bottom of the bench press , which resulting in an increase acceleration11 bar. In
one study, a group of men was assigned to the bench press resisted the
chain, while the other group was assigned to standard weight bench . At
the end of the study, both groups showed similar increases in test
plate - loaded, but the resistance group of channels has increased by 24
pounds over the improvement shown by the group of plate charge . In
addition , the chains placed less stress on the judicial system of the
shoulders, so if you have back problems , using chains may be the way to
go .
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