11 Post Workout Nutrition Tips for Better training and Results
1: Take Creatine to Improve Reaction Time When Exhausted
Compelling evidence shows that creatine will improve skill execution in sport training when you are tired. A study in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found that rugby players who took creatine when they were sleep-deprived performed better on skilled passing tests than players who took a placebo. In fact, creatine was more effective than caffeine, but it also produced a better muscle-building environment with a favorable testosterone to cortisol ratio.
Compelling evidence shows that creatine will improve skill execution in sport training when you are tired. A study in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition found that rugby players who took creatine when they were sleep-deprived performed better on skilled passing tests than players who took a placebo. In fact, creatine was more effective than caffeine, but it also produced a better muscle-building environment with a favorable testosterone to cortisol ratio.
2: Take Whey Protein to Lose Fat
Taking whey protein is one of the simplest and most effective ways to lose fat in conjunction with training. For example, a 10-week resistance training study using trained body builders found that giving them a whey protein supplement post-workout resulted in a 5 pound loss of fat, while they simultaneously gained 12 pounds of muscle. In contrast, a group that took whey with carbs had similar muscle mass gains, but they also gained about 4 pounds of fat. Final body fat percentages were 13.6 percent for the whey protein group compared to 15.9 percent for the whey/carb group, indicating that for fat loss, whey is the protein to go with, and carbs should be avoided.
3: Use Fenugreek and Berries to Improve Blood Sugar Response with Carbs
There are certain herbs (fenugreek) and foods (raspberries, st
rawberries, and bilberries) that are proven to slow digestion and minimize the insulin spike that comes with carbs. This is critical because if you don’t, it can defeat the purpose of your hard work in the gym.
There are certain herbs (fenugreek) and foods (raspberries, st
rawberries, and bilberries) that are proven to slow digestion and minimize the insulin spike that comes with carbs. This is critical because if you don’t, it can defeat the purpose of your hard work in the gym.
4: Take Whey to Recover Faster After Exercise
Due to its fast digestion pattern, whey protein is the best option for promoting recovery from intense training. For example, one study found that participants who took whey protein after performing muscle-damaging eccentric training recovered much faster than those who took a carb supplement. Participants were able to produce much more maximal force at 3 and 7 days after the eccentric workout than the carb supplement group. Whey is also preferred because it supports immune function and has an antioxidant effect. Plus, the lactose can be removed from whey, making it acceptable for people who are lactose intolerant. Be aware that many whey supplements will have added sugar or high-fructose corn syrup as sweetener—neither of which you want in your whey. If you are going to add carbs to the shake you want it to be a high-quality carbohydrate form that will replace muscle fuel rapidly. A conservative suggestion for whey protein intake after training is 0.5 g/kg of body weight. An 80 kg or 175 lb person will want to take at least 40 grams of whey. You can easily go higher—0.6 to 1 g/kg is useful for greater muscle building and fat loss. If you are using creatine powder you can add it to the whey shake or you can take creatine capsules separately.
Due to its fast digestion pattern, whey protein is the best option for promoting recovery from intense training. For example, one study found that participants who took whey protein after performing muscle-damaging eccentric training recovered much faster than those who took a carb supplement. Participants were able to produce much more maximal force at 3 and 7 days after the eccentric workout than the carb supplement group. Whey is also preferred because it supports immune function and has an antioxidant effect. Plus, the lactose can be removed from whey, making it acceptable for people who are lactose intolerant. Be aware that many whey supplements will have added sugar or high-fructose corn syrup as sweetener—neither of which you want in your whey. If you are going to add carbs to the shake you want it to be a high-quality carbohydrate form that will replace muscle fuel rapidly. A conservative suggestion for whey protein intake after training is 0.5 g/kg of body weight. An 80 kg or 175 lb person will want to take at least 40 grams of whey. You can easily go higher—0.6 to 1 g/kg is useful for greater muscle building and fat loss. If you are using creatine powder you can add it to the whey shake or you can take creatine capsules separately.
5: Take Whey Protein to Gain Muscle
Liquid whey protein is ideal post—workout because it is digested quickly. Whey supports protein synthesis and tissue repair more than casein protein, which releases its amino acids at a slower rate into the gut. Pea or rice protein blends are alternatives if you are intolerant to whey, in which case, take additional branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) post-workout as well because pea and rice proteins don’t provide as many amino acids per gram.
6: Take Creatine To Gain Muscle and Increase Work Capacity
Creatine is the first energy source called on by the body and it plays a primary role in energy metabolism because it is a more efficient source than ATP. It increases protein synthesis rates and initiates a greater anabolic response to exercise with lower cortisol. Numerous studies show creatine is an effective performance-enhancing aid.
For example, the 10-week study using body builders mentioned in #2 also tested a creatine/protein/carb supplement. Results showed that this group gained the most muscle (16 pounds), and had much greater strength gains than the other groups. Including creatine in the shake resulted in a 75 lb increase in squat strength compared to a 50 lb increase in the other two supplement groups that took protein alone or protein/carbs. Gains in the bench press and pulldown were also much greater in the creatine group.
Liquid whey protein is ideal post—workout because it is digested quickly. Whey supports protein synthesis and tissue repair more than casein protein, which releases its amino acids at a slower rate into the gut. Pea or rice protein blends are alternatives if you are intolerant to whey, in which case, take additional branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) post-workout as well because pea and rice proteins don’t provide as many amino acids per gram.
6: Take Creatine To Gain Muscle and Increase Work Capacity
Creatine is the first energy source called on by the body and it plays a primary role in energy metabolism because it is a more efficient source than ATP. It increases protein synthesis rates and initiates a greater anabolic response to exercise with lower cortisol. Numerous studies show creatine is an effective performance-enhancing aid.
For example, the 10-week study using body builders mentioned in #2 also tested a creatine/protein/carb supplement. Results showed that this group gained the most muscle (16 pounds), and had much greater strength gains than the other groups. Including creatine in the shake resulted in a 75 lb increase in squat strength compared to a 50 lb increase in the other two supplement groups that took protein alone or protein/carbs. Gains in the bench press and pulldown were also much greater in the creatine group.
7: Take Creatine To Lose Fat
Creatine can help you lose fat because it increases work capacity and energy use. For example, in the body building study mentioned above, the inclusion of creatine with protein/carbs allowed participants to lose an average of 1 pound of fat while gaining muscle. In contrast, the carb/protein group gained almost 3 pounds of fat while gaining 13 pounds of muscle. Final body fat percentage for the carb/protein group was 15.9 percent, compared to 14.1 percent in the carb/protein/creatine group.
In addition to helping you lose fat while gaining muscle, taking creatine can minimize fat gain in the case of a high-fat diet. A number of studies have tested the effect of taking creatine with a high-fat diet in which as much as 75 percent of the diet is fat. One recent study in the Journal of Nutrition found that creatine countered visceral fat gain and prevented the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in rats. Researchers suggest the creatine eliminated oxidative stress thereby improving insulin health and affecting metabolic pathways that lead to fat gain.
Creatine can help you lose fat because it increases work capacity and energy use. For example, in the body building study mentioned above, the inclusion of creatine with protein/carbs allowed participants to lose an average of 1 pound of fat while gaining muscle. In contrast, the carb/protein group gained almost 3 pounds of fat while gaining 13 pounds of muscle. Final body fat percentage for the carb/protein group was 15.9 percent, compared to 14.1 percent in the carb/protein/creatine group.
In addition to helping you lose fat while gaining muscle, taking creatine can minimize fat gain in the case of a high-fat diet. A number of studies have tested the effect of taking creatine with a high-fat diet in which as much as 75 percent of the diet is fat. One recent study in the Journal of Nutrition found that creatine countered visceral fat gain and prevented the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in rats. Researchers suggest the creatine eliminated oxidative stress thereby improving insulin health and affecting metabolic pathways that lead to fat gain.
8: Decrease Inflammation Post-Workout by Taking Creatine
Creatine is not only an energy source but it also functions as an antioxidant, minimizing the inflammatory response to training. In the long-term, greater muscle creatine content will minimize oxidative stress that leads to chronic inflammation and health problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and accelerated aging.
Just as was seen in the Journal of Nutrition study, other findings have shown the antioxidant effect of creatine is responsible for its therapeutic influence on the brain. People with greater dietary creatine intake have demonstrated slower progression of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Creatine is gotten in the diet from meat and fish, with large amounts being found in beef and salmon. There is significant evidence that muscle creatine stores are lower in vegetarians than non-vegetarians.
Creatine is not only an energy source but it also functions as an antioxidant, minimizing the inflammatory response to training. In the long-term, greater muscle creatine content will minimize oxidative stress that leads to chronic inflammation and health problems like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and accelerated aging.
Just as was seen in the Journal of Nutrition study, other findings have shown the antioxidant effect of creatine is responsible for its therapeutic influence on the brain. People with greater dietary creatine intake have demonstrated slower progression of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Creatine is gotten in the diet from meat and fish, with large amounts being found in beef and salmon. There is significant evidence that muscle creatine stores are lower in vegetarians than non-vegetarians.
9: Drink Water/Avoid Caffeine
Hydration is the greatest determinant of strength! Many people are horribly dehydrated despite the little plastic bottles of water they carry around. Research shows that greater hydration will allow you to train harder and longer, and there is evidence that dehydration causes cardiovascular stress as well as deterioration in central nervous system function and muscle metabolism. For example, a study in the American Journal of Epidemiology showed that men who drank five glasses of water a day had a 54 percent lower risk of dying of a heart attack than those who drank two glasses day. And five glasses is not enough: At least 0.6 to 0.7 oz/lb of body weight or 39 ml/kg of water a day. A 200 pound man should drink at least 120 to 140 ounces water daily. Do not drink commercial sports drinks. These are packed with carbs and chemicals and will do you no good! The only time to drink or take caffeine is before exercise. After your workout is the worst time to drink coffee or get caffeine because it may raise cortisol, which negates all the good things you did for your body by exercising. Don’t do it! You shouldn’t need coffee after your workout to wake you up if you have the nutrition basics covered and you get your BCAAs and protein during and after training.
10: Take Beta Alanine with Creatine: Gain More Mass, Lose More FatHydration is the greatest determinant of strength! Many people are horribly dehydrated despite the little plastic bottles of water they carry around. Research shows that greater hydration will allow you to train harder and longer, and there is evidence that dehydration causes cardiovascular stress as well as deterioration in central nervous system function and muscle metabolism. For example, a study in the American Journal of Epidemiology showed that men who drank five glasses of water a day had a 54 percent lower risk of dying of a heart attack than those who drank two glasses day. And five glasses is not enough: At least 0.6 to 0.7 oz/lb of body weight or 39 ml/kg of water a day. A 200 pound man should drink at least 120 to 140 ounces water daily. Do not drink commercial sports drinks. These are packed with carbs and chemicals and will do you no good! The only time to drink or take caffeine is before exercise. After your workout is the worst time to drink coffee or get caffeine because it may raise cortisol, which negates all the good things you did for your body by exercising. Don’t do it! You shouldn’t need coffee after your workout to wake you up if you have the nutrition basics covered and you get your BCAAs and protein during and after training.
Beta alanine is a precursor to carnosine, which is stored in the
fast-twitch fibers and is used for anaerobic energy production. It helps
the muscles contract with more force, and do so longer without
fatiguing. Another reason it enhances performance is that it stabilizes
muscle pH during exercise by eliminating excess hydrogen ions that
accelerate fatigue. A recent study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research
found that collegiate wrestlers and football players improved
performance on sports-specific strength, speed, and power tests after
supplementing with beta alanine. More intriguing, the wrestlers who took
beta alanine lost body fat while gaining muscle. Fat loss with muscle
gains is particularly difficult for weight-class athletes who must keep
body weight within a weight class. Beta alanine and creatine are often taken together because they both
improve anaerobic performance and body comp, and they are best taken
using a dosing protocol. For example, a high-low dose of 3.2 g/day for 4
weeks, followed by 1.6 g/day for 4 weeks improved muscle carnosine
levels and anaerobic performance more than a 1.6 g/day dose for 8 weeks.
Similarly, loading with 20 to 30 grams of creatine for a week helps to
“load” the muscle. After the loading period, you can use a lower dose of
3 to 5 g/day to maintain levels.
11: Let Training Goals & Volume Dictate Carb Intake
Your carb needs will be dictated by assessing the combination of training volume, body fat percentage, and goals. If you’re not super lean, you may not need carbs in your post-workout shake. Rather, you’ll get them from the diet. However, carbs may be beneficial if you are training with an intensity and volume that depletes glycogen. Insulin sensitivity is at its highest after a workout making this the best time of day to eat carbs. Opt for fibrous carbs, such as green vegetables or high antioxidant, low-glycemic fruits for best fat loss results. If you are not ready to eliminate bread, pasta, and other high-carb sources, after exercise is the time to eat them, but please do something to minimize the insulin response and improve glucose uptake.
11: Let Training Goals & Volume Dictate Carb Intake
Your carb needs will be dictated by assessing the combination of training volume, body fat percentage, and goals. If you’re not super lean, you may not need carbs in your post-workout shake. Rather, you’ll get them from the diet. However, carbs may be beneficial if you are training with an intensity and volume that depletes glycogen. Insulin sensitivity is at its highest after a workout making this the best time of day to eat carbs. Opt for fibrous carbs, such as green vegetables or high antioxidant, low-glycemic fruits for best fat loss results. If you are not ready to eliminate bread, pasta, and other high-carb sources, after exercise is the time to eat them, but please do something to minimize the insulin response and improve glucose uptake.
The benefits of push-ups Push up / Push up
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push-ups Push up |
Benefits bush father exercises seem clear on the body quickly. You just need to take a few minutes each day to perform these tasks, their incredible impact on your body very soon. Each week passes you can notice significant changes to the shape of your body, while watching yourself in the mirror. Every week!
Let us recall some of the many benefits on the performance of a good old-fashioned:
1. Chest
2. Hands, forearms, biceps, triceps
3. Shoulders, upper back, lower back
4. Abdominal muscles six
5. Glutes
6. Hamstrings, quads, calf and feet
7. Strengthens the heart muscle ..
But I need to mention so much more:
- You can do it anywhere, anytime
- You do not need any technical equipment
- It does not cost you anything to gym membership or athletic expensive device
- You can make them alone athletes exercise all the muscles of the body
- The performance of regular exercise pressure known give nearly objects bodybuilding players, and looks in very good health, as there are many kinds of exercise pressure ..
You can call payment processes essential to strengthen the practice. It pretty much improve your muscles through strengthening and forming most important muscle groups in your body ..
I think that the push-ups is the most effective exercise to improve total body fitness. They include training on the heart and blood vessels, and weight / body lifting and muscle, which extends all in one operation.
Many people do not realize the benefits of an exercise stress. However, when breaking physics to pay up, you can get a better picture of how to be useful for the entire body. For example, the fingers and hands, biceps, triceps, shoulders, forearms, upper and lower back and even abdominal muscles. In addition, it strengthens the leg muscles, including your hamstrings, quads and calves.
Anyone will tell you that tired and exercise is not easy to do, especially when it is done in large numbers. However, with consistent practice and dedication to improve your form, you can build your endurance levels. This, in turn, makes it possible for you to move to a larger and more demanding forms of exercise. Strength and endurance is also important for other parts of your life, even things that do not require a lot of physical exertion.
Whether you're building muscle or not, and muscle growth is an important part of your health. More muscle means a stronger, healthier and they create a lean body and specific lines all over the body. By increasing the number of clicks to do on a regular basis (and by speeding up and slowing down, too), you will notice an increase in muscle mass. Pressure also condemns the production of human growth hormone, which helps to increase the total muscle growth.
Injury Prevention
Condemns pressure to help you avoid injuries when doing other exercises weight. This is especially the case if you warm up your body with push ups before every action. Because paying fluctuations are of such a total body conditioning, you'll find that you do other forms of weight training (especially on the equipment) comes easier and more natural for you. As a result, you'll be less prone to muscle tension, and cause injury.
Gym membership is expensive and the same thing applies to the fancy fitness equipment (both of which are often neglected). Raise the pressure, on the other hand, is not only inexpensive, this means that you will not spend a lot of money on a piece of equipment that goes unused. You do not need to enter the gym to do a push-up either. This makes it a very attractive form of exercise, especially when considering the impact on the entire body and other benefits that accompany pay consistent routine follow-up
Period after training and what should be rewarding
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bodybuilding suplements |
Without a doubt the post-training period are the most important times and embarrassed to take advantage of nutrition in building healthy muscle.
We will determine the post-training period as three hours immediately following intensive training and at this time preparing most of the muscles in the body to absorb nutrients will work literally like a sponge and absorb everything presented to muscles.
To Zllk very important during this time frame nourish the body the appropriate elements of the foods and supplements will significantly increase muscle.
Let's take a quick look at what needs to be done after intensive training period should reduce muscle breakdown and body must be placed again in the case of anabolic (muscle building).
Restore blood sugar levels and glycogen must be fed muscles of the proper nutrients to facilitate recovery and growth.
This can be achieved through and 2 meals of food at some point after coming out of training.
First meal must be in liquid form completely, because your body is in a state of high tension literally be in a state starving and you need to be renewed this imbalance in the fastest way possible and meal liquid are digested faster than any and another meal and this helps your body to start re- the same building immediately.
And should have a meal after exercise idealism as follows:
1/30 to 40 grams of whey protein.
2/80 to 70 grams of simple sugar (dextrose wonderful source of simple sugar).
3/5 grams of creatine.
4/5 to 10 grams of glutamine (optional).
And should be all these ingredients mixed in water and consumed within 30:0 minutes after the completion of the exercise and also suggest taking a quantity of vitamins high efficiency with this meal.
This simple meal liquid will help accelerate the process of muscle growth and helps in the process of compensation muscle lost during exercise.
The second meal of great importance thing for taking 30 - 60 minutes after the liquid meal.
Should consume your second meal, which should come from foods.
These should be in the meal must be rich in protein and carbohydrate sugar.
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juan morel preparing his posing to the 2014 arnold classic brasil
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