Fiber is essential for good health and particularly important when you eat a lot of protein in an attempt to fill the muscle solid body . In truth , most bodybuilding diets are too low in fiber , because the former bodybuilding propensity to avoid vegetables because they tend to believe that the food " fagot " is not supplied with all that is worth the time you need to eat . Of course, this is not correct.
Fiber provides the manufacturer with several key benefits , the most important is the prevention of constipation by providing bulk to the stool . This is an important point because many bodybuilders that are high in protein and low residue diet without are plagued by problems such as constipation and hemorrhoids. The fact is that high protein diets are , by themselves , constipation. It may seem strange to write about it so bluntly , but it's true warning and very important for bodybuilders . This is because a bodybuilder constipated have a slower metabolism, which is bad for the absorption and utilization of nutrients, and is the exact opposite state looking for a bodybuilder.
Constipation leaves a feeling of slow bodybuilder , gas and slow. Try to train as it is almost against -productive. Fortunately, the fiber can save the day. I prefer to eat my vegetables . I love them. I eat raw in salads , grilled or steamed type . These types of plant fibers are known as insoluble fiber. These include green vegetables and other vegetables like salad . Insoluble fiber has the advantage of being relatively low in carbohydrates while having the advantage of providing the body with many minerals and essential nutrients phytochemicals. Diets high in fiber helps to accelerate the volume of stool in the colon. As a result, it helps prevent colitis and hemorrhoids.
There are also soluble fiber, such as oatmeal . Soluble fiber accelerate the transit time in the colon as well , but tend to have a carb a little higher . Soluble fiber may also have the added benefit of helping the cholesterol levels in the blood. Of course, if all these stories fiber scares you, you can always use something like natural psyllium powder form of dietary supplement. Anyway , just make sure that the fiber makes its way into the natural diet.
April. Maintain adequate hydration Critical Mass
I believe that water is the most neglected of all the essential nutrients . A healthy adult is over 50 % water, making it the most abundant substance in the body. So , water is even more essential for the bodybuilder that all proteins taken in. If you look at the composition of your body as a model of what we should eat , then it should be clear that water weighs more than most things ingested. Because a healthy body is composed of more than half of the water , followed by muscle and fat and other elements, our diet should reflect these proportions.
From the point of view of health and fitness , fitness standard diet tends to be very acidifying due to high protein and low residue. If you add to that a low water consumption , the result can be painful kidney stones. I 've seen too many bodybuilders and fitness freaks who do not have proper hydration. In my experience as a doctor , the worst of these guys tend to be coffee drinkers too. Maybe it is because caffeine is a mild diuretic and can dehydrate your body to work even faster. But proper hydration is critical for muscle growth , since , while the protein may be the most common structural component of muscle contains mainly water and amazingly true. This explains why , when the body is dehydrated, your muscles will flatten quickly.
The dietary point of view , one can not expect the body to freely enter anabolic muscle building state amid poor hydration . There simply is no way all that you take in protein which will be put to use and stacked on the biceps without sine qua non of good hydration status . Think of it as a list of priorities . You want your body to build muscle , but your body does not move until he gets a few glasses of water first. Guess who will win this argument ?
May To meet the requirements of essential fat
Almost any experienced muscle builder knows that he must take generous amounts of protein to build muscle while maintaining carbohydrate intake under control so that these benefits are lean and hard rock. But the error I found too experienced these guys do is let go of the fat intake , as well as the average person.
I remember the days when I trained with Lee Labrada . It was honestly a time Labrada was one of the best bodybuilders in the world, second only eight time Mr. Olympia Lee Haney . During his competitive days seemed the only thing that kept hitting Labrada Haney was the extreme mass missing. Labrada was small in stature , gaining more mass would have been essential to reach that next level . But he could not put . He and I talked a lot of power at the time, and always argued with him that his diet was too low in fat to win the big muscle. He was a proponent of eliminating all fats can . I could not disagree with him . But to his credit, but too late to reverse Haney, Labrada finally admitted that he felt he was right. Several years later , through his company of dietary supplements, Labrada Nutrition has become a natural fat products such as EFA convert gold and many others.
The concept that I want you to understand is that dietary fat is not only essential for overall health , but is also a key element for extreme muscle growth that rivals the largest food protein. Of course, to get the right type of fat is also essential. As the protein consists of some essential fatty acids "amino" ( building blocks the body needs to get food), some fats are "essential" fatty acids too. Essential fatty acids (EFAs ) can not be manufactured by the body from other substances and must be ingested to meet this dietary requirement. To build muscle , while the protein essential amino acids can be your best anabolic macronutrients , essential fatty acids can be your best anticatabolic macronutrients.
In short, when it comes to building lean muscle mass , there are many other food concepts worth understanding. However, for those embarking on the weight of the road, after these five golden rules that will start strong. For the more experienced , suggests even take a moment to review the five to make sure you have not been sufficiently tested in any of them. No matter how much you know, try to check your ego at the door and be as objective as possible to self- evaluation. I myself regularly. You might find one or more are not included and you thought they were, and therefore hold their gains . Make the necessary changes and return to the route.
Remember that bodybuilding is a process of continuous learning. It is also quite humiliating . It seems that you have to understand how an idea or concept applies to your own body, you get older and your body changes . So you need to make adjustments . But the only thing I can say is that my five golden rules of food are basic methods to follow through with your bodybuilding efforts .
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