But fear not ! There are natural ways that might be able to reduce the scourge of myostatin expression to optimize health , maximize muscle growth, and slow the aging process.
Intense resistance training
It seems that everyone these days goes to the gym . But the intensity with which actually entail? Training intensity is the key to reducing myostatin . Perhaps the best available research to tell us what comes from a study determined and compared the magnitude of changes in myostatin and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF -1) for muscle strength and muscle mass in response to resistance training in healthy men . The study involved 20 healthy men aged 18-45 studied for 10 weeks of intense resistance training . Arm strength measured ( biceps curls ) , increased muscle ( cross section of the upper arm ) , IGF - 1 and serum myostatin . Although there was a significant increase in resistance (30 %) and increase muscle ( 12% CSA), IGF - 1 remained unchanged. Meanwhile the study subjects of myostatin decreased on average by 20.3 % over 10 weeks. (11) These results were highly significant and consistent with a study of the loss of muscle myostatin before that showed an increase in plasma myostatin less than 12% corresponds to a loss of about five pounds on average skeletal muscle of lean body mass during 25 days. (12) fundamental difference in the previous study was the intensity of the workout ! So in total , while weight training can help to decrease the expression of myostatin , which was the intensity of resistance training that caused the biggest changes .
The structured fasting
Monotonous diet is something almost everyone knows . Membership in the structure of a system can become boring , repetitive, and in fact against -productive. Consistency and regularity of meals, but boring as hell, are evidence of the fundamental processes in the bodybuilding lifestyle will definitely have their place when it comes to promoting a good physique. It is true that regular diet is essential to fight against catabolism. You should never be hungry, nor should throat until you are stuffed . But then it should be the basis for the management of your fitness routine , do not forget that the expression of myostatin always lurking . This is because you still have moments where the thought of more food will literally sick. I suspect that this is caused by periods of overexpression of myostatin . Indeed , studies tell us that the expression of the myostatin gene and caloric restriction are related . (13) But whatever the mechanism, it is a critical time when you need to temporarily make the standard weight and avoid foods for a short period using a rare day of fasting to their metabolic advantage . I call it " structured fasting " because as I do , there is a rapid and complete core . The key is to include a hearty breakfast at the beginning of something like proteins , milk and oats. After that, it is not food in general , but with copious amounts of water throughout the day. To do this, at least a couple of times a year, and it works like magic to clean the system , restart your metabolism and , in my opinion, is the expression of myostatin in control.
acidification body
Animal research has shown that myostatin is active in the presence of acid (low pH ) . We found that " systemic overexpression of myostatin " to induce a profound loss of muscle mass exactly like what we see in human cachexia syndromes . (14) If you think the controversial provision that the pH of the body can be influenced by what we eat , then this may be yet another natural method for inhibiting the expression of myostatin . In theory, they are called " acid-forming foods ," said produce acids during digestion and metabolism. Depending on their origin , there is a long list of foods that are said to acidify the body. So it is a matter of degrees. But included among these are the most powerful sources of white sugar, sweets, refined foods , preservatives, coffee, cocoa, tea and wine. However, it is this that is called the " alkalizing foods " like vegetables (lettuce , spinach , kale , peas, cauliflower , celery, carrots , tomatoes, etc. ) , melons (especially watermelon, melon and melon) and nuts ( almonds, chestnuts ) . I want to emphasize that there is no evidence of alkaline approach - power to cause a sustained increase in blood pH really . While there is no denying that the diet can certainly influence the pH , the question is how and to what degree. Personally, I always feel better and stronger when I called " alkaline foods " Part of my diet. I think for myself and the athletes I work with , we tend to take a ride in a very acidic. This is partly due to the constant barrage of lactic acid in the blood of training and competition with loads of regular protein than we give ourselves to recover. In the back of my mind So somewhere that I that I should take this alleged insanity a bit. But again , this approach is more science fiction than science fact . Of course, this would hardly be the first time that today's science fiction is science fact of tomorrow.
Isolate Dry fertile egg yolk
In 2006, the survey found that a natural substance known to inhibit myostatin is in significant changes in store -bought chicken eggs fertilized standard levels. (15) In essence, it was found that the power of myostatin inhibition of nature was there in our food supply. Fertile eggs are consumed regularly and are sold in organic markets across America . Since it is essentially eggs develop chickens that are 100% natural and are considered by the Department of Agriculture of the United States no better or worse for you than store bought eggs standard ( nonfertile ) . But what really separates the common eggs fertile eggs are about 20,000 cells barely visible to the naked eye. Protein " follistatin " , along with a number of other biologically active natural cofactors , lies in these cells found throughout the yolk membrane . These factors are released into the steps of the membrane in the egg yolk to promote early embryonic development and rapid growth. From the standpoint of treatment, the challenge was to preserve the biological activity , increased concentration, and stabilizing effect. Continuation of intensive research and finally a complex process of "managing high" produced the first product of its kind . Only new MHP MYO -X (based on MyoT12 ) is clinically proven to lower levels of myostatin . Subsequent research has further confirmed that the active ingredients of the fertilized (dry ) isolating fertile egg yolk and absorbs active not only in humans but also resulted in the average serum myostatin fall temporarily average 46 % of subjects study for about 12 hours . (16,17)
In conclusion, it should be clear that we can certainly affect levels of myostatin naturally. But the real excitement comes when he realizes that it is not only to build muscle mass. Inhibition of myostatin could be the key to accelerate the healing of a serious injury or illness . It may also be the key to a truly legitimate and safe way to prevent the aging process . Remain very much in line with that, because the future will reveal more .
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