Omega-3 Fish Oil – Prostate Cancer Risk Situation

The news came yesterday that was the buzz of the Internet in the field of health and fitness. Basically, we conducted a study that showed that " Omega - 3. Were found in fatty fish oil based to increase the risk of prostate cancer development acids men "sounds like the old" damned if you do, damned if you do not do " scenario after learning that ad naseum this is supposed to be good for you and help fight heart disease .So when you are in a quandry , to the next level and for someone with more knowledge in this area. In our case, this would mean that only one person - "The Boss" himself , Steve Blechman , who spends many hours developing here / Home Office muscular FitnessRx spend pages and pages of scientific publications :This is a study of "cohort" and does not prove cause and effect. It is unclear why the high concentrations of omega -3 fatty acids are associated with an increased prostate cancer risk in this study . The conclusions are anything but consistent. A randomized controlled trail of omega - 3 (EPA and DHA) is important to see if and how they affect the prostate.Possible mechanisms could be immunosuppression , increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) , IGF - 1 , mTOR , heavy metals and pesticide exposure ( PCB. )At this time the benefits of fish outweigh the risks. I ate a diet primarily of fish oil fish over 20 extra! I have a PSA test every year.Greenland Eskimos live in fat and especially blubber fish and have a higher incidence of prostate cancer . The main cause of death was a brain hemorrhage and stomach ! They bleed to death by high levels of omega - 3 (EPA and DHA).Most human studies have found fish oil to reduce the risk of cancer, including colon cancer and breast cancer .Because fish oil containing highly unsaturated fatty acids, which are sensitive to oxidation . Make sure that adequate antioxidant supplement . Especially N- acetylcysteine ​​(NAC) and selenium. They are very effective in the detoxification of heavy metals , pesticides, mutagens and carcinogens in fish. Because salmon is a fatty fish (unlike tuna) , low mercury content , but rich in lipophilic PCBs , which are known to be potent carcinogens ! Stored fat and blood circulation mobilized when dieting .

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